Breaking the silence

Breaking the silence

My heart has always been drawn to connecting with women, whether it be family, friends, or patients. I chose to begin my nursing career in labor and delivery more than 30 years ago because helping women was my favorite. I then had three daughters of my own, which basically turned my life and home into all things girls, and more girls!

This long time tug on my soul — to connect with and encourage girls and women — is why I left my nursing clinical position earlier this year to pursue the passion of my heart: to teach and speak to women, especially about sex, intimacy and parenting our children through their growing sexuality. I have been doing this “on the side” for the last three decades, but now I am ALL in!

Throughout my many years in healthcare, I have repeatedly found myself stunned at the silence surrounding women and sex. It's heartbreaking that so many parents remain quiet and uncomfortable having conversations with their children about their bodies and sex. You can often hear me say, “Silence is the enemy” when it comes to sex and sex education. I want to help break that silence!

Every time I speak, many women come up afterward with questions, problems and heartache over their sexual lives. Time and again women of all ages tell me they have never, ever talked to anyone about their concerns, uncertainty, confusion and frustrations concerning sex. There is a vital need for women to have someone to talk to and hear from regarding the right information about how their bodies work as well as the newer science around female sexuality and ways for them to enjoy and experience pleasure.

This is my passion! I want to break the silence with education and conversation — for women and for our children. I want to help move us toward understanding ourselves, seeking answers and obtaining fruitful information. I feel strongly that knowledge leads to confidence. Confidence leads to opening conversations — conversations that matter.

Let’s talk about SEX!