Pleasurable Touch Exercise

Pleasurable Touch Session

Pleasurable Touch

Often, we give touch the way we want to receive it. Our partner may enjoy touch differently than we do since everyone does not receive touch the same way.
It is important to communicate to your partner how and where you enjoy being touched.
Also, it is important to ask your partner how and where they enjoy being touched.

If you know each other extremely well, the exercise below may play out differently than if you are new to each other. Either way - have fun, listen well, communicate honestly and enjoy intentionally giving and receiving touch with each other.

This is a wonderful exercise to do regularly as a couple. We change, and pleasure in how we receive touch can also change.


  • Take turns touching each other’s bodies all over

  • Start at the feet or head, and then move over the whole body, everywhere but the genitals

  • Tell each other how and where touch is most pleasurable for you

  • Listen and take note of what your partner says

  • Use a simple rating system that feels comfortable for you to communicate levels of pleasure

    • 0-5 (0 = doesn’t really do anything for me, 5 = that’s my favorite)

    • Humming or murmuring quietly to loudly

    • Simply saying yes, no or maybe

  • Fun options

    • Use massage oil or a massage candle for the touch session (check out products from Maude use code CINDY10 and Coconu use code PLEASURE)

    • Blindfold the partner receiving touch

    • At another time, use the information you gathered here first to touch your partner in all the places they find pleasurable and then include the genitals

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